Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant - The Smithland hydroelectric power plant is equipped with 3 turbines; due to the extremely tight construction schedule, all three tubes with their constantly changing cross-sections are being realized at the same time.

Central hidroeléctrica de Smithland
Smithland, Estados Unidos

  • Construcción de una central hidroeléctrica de 3 turbinas de bulbo horizontal y una capacidad total de 72 MW
  • Construcción de hormigón armado: 78 m de largo, 62 m de ancho, 32 m de alto
  • Dimensiones de componentes masivos (espesor de losa > 4,00 m)

Compañía de construcción CJ Mahan, Grove City, Ohio




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Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant - The Smithland hydroelectric power plant is equipped with 3 turbines; due to the extremely tight construction schedule, all three tubes with their constantly changing cross-sections are being realized at the same time.
Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant - The Smithland hydroelectric power plant is equipped with 3 turbines; due to the extremely tight construction schedule, all three tubes with their constantly changing cross-sections are being realized at the same time.