Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany - The Potsdamer Platz is a city of the future with office and residential buildings, schools, theatres, hotels and shopping centres in the heart of Berlin.

Plaza Potsdamer
Berlin, Alemania

Edificios de oficinas, comerciales y residenciales y estación de tren regional como reconstrucción en el centro de Berlín

Terminado a finales de 1998.

ARGE Müller Altvatter, C. Baresel AG, Cubiertas Y MZOV, Max Bögl GmbH & Co. KG, Alpine Bau Deutschland GmbH


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Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany - The Potsdamer Platz is a city of the future with office and residential buildings, schools, theatres, hotels and shopping centres in the heart of Berlin.
Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany - The Potsdamer Platz is a city of the future with office and residential buildings, schools, theatres, hotels and shopping centres in the heart of Berlin.