Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road, Bangkok, Thailand - The four pylons of spectacular Mega Bridge in Bangkok rise 173 m into the sky. For the realization, the ACS climbing system ensured rapid construction process.

Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road
Bangkok, Tailandia

bridge connection as part of the Industrial Ring Road IRR over the Chao Phraya river, motorway junctions lie in the middle

  • construction: two cable-stayed bridges
  • length: 702 m and 582 m
  • height of the four pylons: 173 m and 164 m
  • span width: 326 m and 398 m
  • construction period: until 2006

TNNS Joint Venture:
Taisei, Nishimatsu, NKK, Sino Thai


El proyecto

Impresiones del proceso del proyecto.

Información del Proyecto

Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road: Akira Mihashi, Project Manager und Hirobumi Kono, Site Manager
Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road: Akira Mihashi, Project Manager und Hirobumi Kono, Site Manager
Akira Mihashi | Hirobumi Kono
Project Manager | Site Manager
The PERI formwork solution made a substantial contribution to the successful realisation of this project. The formwork adapted superbly to the changing cross-sections and different inclinations.  High work-rate was achieved as a result of the safe and convenient work processes provided by the PERI ACS self-climbing formwork.

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Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road, Bangkok, Thailand - The four pylons of spectacular Mega Bridge in Bangkok rise 173 m into the sky. For the realization, the ACS climbing system ensured rapid construction process.
Mega Bridge, Industrial Ring Road, Bangkok, Thailand - The four pylons of spectacular Mega Bridge in Bangkok rise 173 m into the sky. For the realization, the ACS climbing system ensured rapid construction process.