21st Century Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The RCS climbing protection panel complete encloses the upper floors under construction and provides protection against wind and weather - and increases productivity.
21st Century Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The RCS climbing protection panel complete encloses the upper floors under construction and provides protection against wind and weather - and increases productivity.

Torre Siglo XXI Chile
Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

  • altura total: 269 m
    período de construcción: 2001-2003
    etapas: 55

    Empresa conjunta Arabtec Construction y Al Rostamani Pegel




El proyecto

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Información del Proyecto

PERI ACS es increíblemente rápido y extremadamente seguro. Pudimos ahorrar una cantidad considerable de capacidad de grúa gracias a la tecnología autotrepante. Esto supone una gran ventaja en obras como estas.
P. Schneider and G. C. Christofides
Administrador del sitio | Gerente de proyecto

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21st Century Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The RCS climbing protection panel complete encloses the upper floors under construction and provides protection against wind and weather - and increases productivity.
21st Century Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The RCS climbing protection panel complete encloses the upper floors under construction and provides protection against wind and weather - and increases productivity.