Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic - With an X-shaped floor plan, the architectural concept of this building created a new highlight in the urban development of the city of Hradec Králové. Originally, all external surfaces should have received an orange-painted facade. This concept was completely rejected due to the high-quality concrete surface finish.

Biblioteca Hradec Králové
Hradec Králové, República Checa

Edificio de biblioteca con planta en forma de X

Arquitecto: Projektil Architekti, Roman Brychty, Praga

VCES a.s. Firma VHS, Hradec Králové



El proyecto

Impresiones del proceso del proyecto.

Información del Proyecto

Milos Filipi, Construction Manager, Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic
Milos Filipi, Construction Manager, Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic
Milos Filipi
Administrador de obra
Durante la fase de planificación trabajamos intensamente con el encofrado PERI para poder realizar la disposición de junta preestablecida de 2,50 x 3,30 m. Para el uso de hormigón autosellante, PERI nos ofreció una solución de encofrado capaz y personalizada basada en el encofrado de vigas VARIO. El propietario está muy satisfecho con los resultados obtenidos.

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Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic - With an X-shaped floor plan, the architectural concept of this building created a new highlight in the urban development of the city of Hradec Králové. Originally, all external surfaces should have received an orange-painted facade. This concept was completely rejected due to the high-quality concrete surface finish.
Hradec Králové Library, Czech Republic - With an X-shaped floor plan, the architectural concept of this building created a new highlight in the urban development of the city of Hradec Králové. Originally, all external surfaces should have received an orange-painted facade. This concept was completely rejected due to the high-quality concrete surface finish.