Catholic Church Centre, Cologne-Blumenberg, Germany - 6 m long units with frames comprised of U 120 steel walers were positioned in pairs after the supporting scaffold, consisting of ST 100 stacking towers, had been adjusted.
Catholic Church Centre, Cologne-Blumenberg, Germany - 6 m long units with frames comprised of U 120 steel walers were positioned in pairs after the supporting scaffold, consisting of ST 100 stacking towers, had been adjusted.

Centro de la Iglesia Católica, Colonia-Blumenberg
Colonia, Alemania

La construcción consta de un muro curvado en un lado con un radio interior de 82 m más dos secciones de muro cónicas, que se encuentran en el centro en un nicho de altar semicircular.

ARGE Neubau Kirchenzentrum Blumenberg;
Ph. Holzmann AG, Colonia;
Wollwert GmbH & Co. KG, Colonia




El proyecto

Impresiones del proceso del proyecto.

Información del Proyecto

Statement: Ulrich Neumann, Site Manager, Catholic Church Center
Statement: Ulrich Neumann, Site Manager, Catholic Church Center
Ulrich Neumann
Jefe de obra
De todas las ofertas que recibimos, PERI proporcionó la mejor propuesta de encofrado. Debido al uso de componentes estándar, también fue la propuesta más rentable.

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Catholic Church Centre, Cologne-Blumenberg, Germany - 6 m long units with frames comprised of U 120 steel walers were positioned in pairs after the supporting scaffold, consisting of ST 100 stacking towers, had been adjusted.
Catholic Church Centre, Cologne-Blumenberg, Germany - 6 m long units with frames comprised of U 120 steel walers were positioned in pairs after the supporting scaffold, consisting of ST 100 stacking towers, had been adjusted.